Up by 8AM: Early Bird Jams
* Due to COVID-19, open mics and jam sessions at bars and restaurants are temporarily suspended.
5 Nights You Can Play & Be Up By 8AM
Have work in the morning but still want to play a set? Here’s a list of five places you can play and still be in bed by 11pm. We all know what it’s like to yearn for performance while working 5, 6 or even 7 days week. It’s hard to juggle passion with work, let alone a family, a social life and a healthy lifestyle. As artists, we often end up sacrificing music to make ends meet. That’s why we’ve put together 5 spots to play that’ll leave you with a full night’s sleep 😌 You’re gonna be okay.

1) Smoke Meat Pete 📍 West Island
Smoked Meat Pete hosts a blues jam night three days a week, running from 19:30 to 22:00. This place holds a torch for blues players and should not be missed if you’re a music-loving local! It’s a friendly and it starts nice and early. . You can also check out their Facebook page or website.
2) Shaika Café 📍 NDG
Every Wednesday, Shaika Cafe hosts an open mic right by Monkland Village between 19:00 and 22:00. This night welcomes everyone and is a great spot, especially if you’re not a fan of the bar scene. To find out more, you can visit our listing or check out their Facebook page. Bring your own instrument!
3) Quai Des Brumes 📍 Le Plateau [Update: this event is no longer running]
Now if you’d prefer to jam on Wednesday evenings, this is your spot! Quai Des Brumes hosts an early jazz jam from 17:00 to 20:00. It celebrates traditional ragtime and Dixieland jazz and hosted by Les Royal Pickles – definitely worth checking out if that’s your bag. . If you’re a jazz singer, you should also check out the Sunday vocal jams from 21:00 to 00:00 and held at Dièse Onze.

Mariposa on an open mic.
4) Mariposa 📍 Monkland Village
We’re back in NDG: now to talk about the famed Mariposa open mic on Thursdays. This session runs from 19:00 to 22:30 and is quite popular amongst local musicians. Play your heart out and remember that sign-up starts at 18:00. They also host a monthly jam night called the First Friday Musicians Circle, a night of bluegrass, country and folk that goes from 18:00 to 22:00. These happen on the first Friday of every month.
5) Yellow Door Coffeehouse 📍 McGill Ghetto
Lastly, we have Fridays at the Yellow Door Coffeehouse. This beloved spot hosts an acoustic open stage from 20:30 to 00:00. All-acoustic means there are no microphones and the evening features lots of folk and spoken word – though variety is encouraged! Sign-up starts at 20:00; everyone is welcome. Have fun and check out our listing or their Facebook page for more details! Friendly night!

A few more solutions for artists swamped with work
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There are options like Le Dépanneur Café, which hosts an open stage for musicians 7 days a week between 10:00 and 17:00. You’re given an hour, and this stage time will repeat weekly over a 3-month period. Check out our blog article or listing for info on how to apply. Perfect for those with a fixed schedule.
Busking can be intimidating but it’s a great way to keep your music polished. There are spots all over the city, you can find 57 of them here. You can play for 2 to 3 hours, depending on the location, and spots are open from the early morning till close. For tips, check out our Busking Handbook.
Now calm your worries, stay productive and grab a tall coffee in the morning. There’s always room for a short set 😉