Free Jamming Softwares
A free, in-browser recorder for live audio between multiple parties.

The Rundown
Primarily used for podcasting, Cleanfeed is a high-quality, in- browser recorder for live audio between parties. Upgrading to PRO grants multitrack recording, higher bitrates, better volume control and much more. This upgrade, however, requires monthly payments!
ProvideCoalition Review: Cleanfeed for remote HQ audio interview recordings: part 1
Cleanfeed 2020: Pristine audio conversations (interviews) using a FREE software [Video below]
Basic Tutorials
Cleanfeed: The Best Solution For Remote Podcast Interviews [Video below]
Cleanfeed Podcasting Remotely Walkthrough [Video below]
An online network for musicians to collaborate in real time, jamming from anywhere in the world!

The Rundown
This is an old software by Fender aimed at the online jamming community and bands for online rehearsals. With your 30-day free trial, you’re promised peer-to-peer live audio streaming, 16 audio tracks, 16 MIDI tracks, exportable files and “near zero” latency feel in Jam Mode!
PremierGuitar: Fender and eJamming Audio Unveil Synchronized, Streaming Jamming Software
Wired: eJamming: Live Online Music Collaboration
Basic Tutorials
How to use eJamming [Video below]
Setting Up Your First eJamming Session Part 1 [Video below]
A free, realtime software for online rehearsal, jamming and broadcasting.

The Rundown
JamKazam is another, realtime software for the musician community! It’s built for: travel-free rehearsal; jamming; live broadcasting; collaboration and connecting with new artists! They also have a software for lessons!
GearSlutz.com: Jamkazam & JamBlaster
Reddit: What are your thoughts on JamKazam and the JamBlaster?
Basic Tutorials
JamKazam Overview [Video below]
JamKazam Tutorial – Connecting with Other Musicians [Video below]
A free software for online jam sessions with a creative solution to latency issues.

The Rundown
It may not be colourful, but Jammr shines in eliminating latency by having musicians jam measures behind your chord progression. It may take some time to get used to, but it’s a great solution to a recurring issue. Live, but not real time!
A beautiful software designed for worldwide jamming! Resolves latency the same way Jammr does.

The Rundown
A free and open source software to jam with people around the world, using NINJAM servers. Pick your jam room – as seen above. Once entered, a window opens up with channel strips, parameters and a chat box. Beautiful design! See their website (highlighted in yellow) for more.
Basic Tutorials
Playing in ninjam servers with Jamtaba [Video below]
Using chord progresions in Jamtaba [Video below]
A free, cross-platform software with simple mechanics for jamming over the internet!

The Rundown
Jamulus is a well regarded software for jamming, amongst musicians on the online community. It works, it’s simple, and it has all the essentials you need to jam with others over the internet. It’s free and it’s cross- platform. What else do you need?
AudioGeek11.com: Jam music online with Jamulus
Jam music online with Jamulus [Video below]
Musicians Jam Online Together with Jamulus – Advanced Setup [Video below]
An app with extensive songs in multi-track format, perfect for jamming or learning covers, with others or alone.

The Rundown
Awesome app for jamming and song practicing. You can adjust instrument channels for every song, making space for you and other musicians. In other words, customizable backing tracks. You can change keys, tempo and because you’re jamming with tracks, latency issues are bypassed.
Apple App Store Preview: Jam-zone – Learn, Play, Jam!
AppGrooves.com: Jamzone Ratings & Reviews
Basic Tutorials
Jamzone – Learn, Play, Jam! [Video below]
Best Jamming Tool Ever? Check out Jamzone! [Video below]
Jam2jam Gray
An unconventional, interactive, cross-platform software for jamming and collaboration over the internet.

The Rundown
Jam2jam Gray is unlike the former softwares in that it uses interactive sample grids for jamming. This does not utilize real instruments so it might not be a primary option for some, however, it does enable jamming with people over the internet and can be a great creative tool.
Basic Tutorials
Jam2jam Basics [Video below]
Jam2jam with Interactive Whiteboard [Video below]
A popular option amongst online jammers who want to play together, for Windows and macOS users!

The Rundown
NINJAM follows the aforementioned approach to mitigating latency by having users jam measures behind, along with clock rate and metronome synching. It’s popular amongst jammers, especially with Reaper users. Their servers host other softwares like JamTaba.
Basic Tutorials
NINJAM Setup (Live online Jamming) [Video below]
NINJAM (Online Jamming Plugin) in REAPER [Video below]
A simple but pretty chatroom that lists rooms by genre, in which you can join and jam in!

The Rundown
Simply a chatroom with multiple rooms listed by genre, allowing you and others to play music and broadcast! Definitely a good website if you want to take that route and not have to download anything. People will hop on sometimes, but there’s no guarantee! Latency may be an issue.
A free app for Windows and macOS that can be used for online jamming and band rehearsal!

The Rundown
A very simple, very effective software for jamming, with collaborative features. Some latency may occur. Unfortunately, their website appears to be dead and we had difficulty finding reviews to refer to! We linked the best site we could find to download the app, if interested!
Sofasession live session – real time online jamming [Video below]
What you need to get started with sofasession [Video below]
A cloud-based recording app between online parties that requires no download or installation!

The Rundown
Zencastr is primarily used for podcasting, but we want to shout it out because it’s free and has powerful tools. The downside is that these podcast apps don’t often account for the minuscule latency that can be detrimental to jamming. Check it out if you’re interested!
G2.com: Zencastr Reviews
PCMag.com: Zencastr Review
Zencastr Review & Tutorial for Podcasting [Video below]
Basic Tutorials
Zencastr Explainer [Video below]
Zencastr Review & Tutorial for Podcasting [Video below]